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Customer safety in challenging times

The pandemic has brought in new challenges and caused a lot of changes and restrictions – especially in the industry that deals with face-to-face interactions. This has affected customer service across multiple market segments.

We have customers and pilot cases in the UK and South Africa in the telecom and health care services sector. Some of our customers have stayed with us for as long as 5+ years at the time of writing this blog. They use Qtip.Me for managing customer service queues within their business premises. In such a challenging times, a mobile queuing system like ours turned out to be a game-changer to ensure customer service continuity for our customers.

This image is with white background and shows some of the features of Qtip.Me. It highlights that in the new normal - Qtip.Me (a mobile queuing system) helps ensure a safe customer service.
We’ve helped our customers bring safety to their customer service during challenging times.

Before Covid-19, the common challenges faced by businesses were mostly focused around Customer Experiences, Staff productivity, Efficiency, how to reduce the waiting time of consumers and provide them a smooth customer journey experience while they wait for customer service.  However, in this new normal, the outlook of customer service has changed in many ways. The focus now remains on preventing the spread, making customer service more accessible and easy to use despite the restrictions imposed by the local law.

As an innovative and easy-to-use mobile app for queuing, we are glad to stand by our customers and their requirements. During these challenging times, many of our customers avoided using the standard queuing feature available in our product and made an immediate switch to “appointment based queuing”. One of our pilot customers used the combination of “appointment queues” and general queues to limit the number of people per hour within their premises and later, attended to their needs on a first-come-first-serve basis. In addition to this, our team was able to deliver new features that helped our customers in keeping the number of people within their business premises under a certain threshold.

The possibility to queue remotely allowed the businesses to reduce unnecessary face-to-face interactions without reducing the consumer’s needs being met. It also became easy to make social distancing possible at places where transmission risks add up.  

“Qtip is working extremely well for us in store. It has led to much more stream-lined process and is professional.”
says Jen, Store Manager with Sure Telecom in the UK

As a team, it gives us a lot of confidence and motivation when our customers show their confidence in our product. We are very happy that Qtip.Me / Jonoon.fi have been able to ensure safe queuing for everybody and that they are successful in overcoming the challenges put forward during these demanding times. 

Qtip.Me has helped serve more than 283,000 customers, saved more than 28,000 hours for the future and we are still counting. We could not have done this alone – so, a big thanks to our customers and our team which made it all possible together.

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