Hello there.
We have been thinking here during the past one and a half weeks, how we could help. We have especially been thinking how our application could be used to prevent risks of spreading the virus and help implementing the guidelines, when big gatherings need to be avoided. Here are some thoughts from our remote meetups.
Our application can help with reducing the risk of a lot of people gathering to the same place, since there is no need to be physically present at the location before one’s own turn.
Since the application runs on people’s own devices, there is no need to touch common surfaces, such as ticket machines. Real-time information given through the app already before joining the queue makes it easier to plan a visit for example to a compulsory service. Customers are invited remotely through a control panel that runs in cloud, and with notifications they can be used to control the number of customers at the same place. Information and instructions can be added to descriptions, and are visible before joining the queue.
How we could help, then? We have been running a trial period for maximum of 90 days for some time and we would be happy to extend this trial for upto 180 days. It is possible to customize the service and integrate it to your existing services like websites, mobile apps etc.
Even though none of us thought it would be because of a state of emergency, it might be you or anyone you know, who might find Qtip.Me / Jonoon.fi useful and would be very interested in getting started. All you need Comment on this post below or reach us on Twitter / Facebook.
Twitter: @codemenders / @qtip_me / @jonoon_fi
Facebook: @codemenders / @qtipmeapp / @jonoon.fi
Finnish version of this post can be read at: https://blog.jonoon.fi/2020/03/voisimmeko-olla-avuksi/